Audit is an independent examination of financial statements of an auditee in order to give an opinion on their authenticity.
In Russian Federation auditing is governed by Federal Law “On Auditing” No.307-FZ dated 30/12/2008.
What we offer is not a formalist audit engagement. Our staff will help managers, owners and accountants to settle all practical issues.
Our Company carries out all audit-related engagements not just in compliance with the law of Russian Federation and the Code of professional ethics for auditors but with great deliberation and exceptional competence.
Audit engagements result in an audit report and an audit opinion on authenticity of financial statements which are handed to our Client.
An audit report includes:
- Description of inaccuracies with reference to statutory instruments;
- Opinions of institutional bodies on vexed issues;
- Advice of auditors;
- Legal precedents of vexed issues settlement.
Due to its strict confidentiality the report can be only handed to a Client’s authorized representative.
On the other hand, the audit opinion on authenticity of financial statements is an official public document.